Other questions

About the official website

Q01Can I link to the Haneda Airport website?


Please see this site's Privacy Policy.
You can freely link to this website in principle, but please set the link destination URL on the top page of this website (https://tokyo-haneda.com/) I will.
Privacy Policy

Q02Can I quote the contents of Website?


Please contact the Public Relations department below with the purpose of the quote and the URL of the relevant page on Website.

Public Relations and Brand Strategy Department

Q03Whyis it written as "disabled person"?


We use "障害者" on this website to refer to people with disabilities.
This is as it is sometimes the case that screen readers (software used by people with visual impairments to read on-screen text) mistakenly read out the term "障がい者" (shogaisha) as "sawarigaisha."

About social media

Q04Can I upload photos I took at Haneda Airport to social media?


Photos and videos taken by general customers within the terminal for personal enjoyment, such as commemorative photos of their travels, may be posted on social media etc.
If you plan to film or live stream with the intention of monetizing the content on social media, etc., please apply to us in advance and receive approval at least three business days before the filming date.
Recording video in Terminals 1 and 2 (general customers)

About the interview

Q05What should a corporation do to cover a project?


Please see the Haneda Airport reporting regulations.
Haneda Airport Reporting Regulations

About airport transactions

Q06How can I start trading (selling products, opening a store) at Haneda Airport?


Currently, we do not have a dedicated department for store opening requests. Please note that we will not be able to respond if you contact our customer service inquiry desk. 
For business transaction inquiries related to products, please directly contact individual stores or businesses within the airport premises.Furthermore, please refer here for inquiries regarding advertising matters.

For advertising inquiries, please click here.
Advertising Inquiries