You can search today’s domestic flights by their departure/arrival location, airline, and flight number, as well as filter the results by flight status.
- Destination/Point of Departure
- Not Selected
- Airlines
- Not Selected
- Destination/Point of Departure
- Not Selected
- Airlines
- Not Selected
{{showLangDate(}} {{showLangHM(}}現在
As of {{showLangDate(}} {{showLangHM(}}
{{showLangDate(}} {{showLangHM(}}현재
截至{{showLangDate(}} {{showLangHM(}}
截至{{showLangDate(}} {{showLangHM(}}
運航状況 | 定刻 | 変更 | 空港 | 航空会社 | 便名 | ターミナル | ゲート | 出口 |
Current Status | Schedule | Revised Schedule | Airport | Airline | Flight | Terminal | Gate | Gate |
현재 상황 | 정각 | 변경시각 | 공항 | 항공사 | 편명 | 터미널 | 게이트 | 출구 |
现在的状况 | 正点 | 改签时间 | 飞机场 | 航空公司 | 航班名 | 候机楼 | 登机口 | 出口 |
目前情形 | 準時 | 變更 | 飛機場 | 航空公司 | 航班名稱 | 航廈 | 登機門 | 出口 |
{{translate('運航状況', item).text}} | {{translate('定刻', item).text}} | {{translate('変更', item).text}} | {{translate('空港', item).text}} | {{translate('航空会社', item)[0]['便名'].text}} | {{translate('ターミナル', item).text}} | {{translate('ゲート', item).text}}{{translate('ゲート', item).text}}{{translate('ゲート', item).text}} | ||
{{child['便名'].text}} | ||||||||
{{translate('運航状況', item).text}} | {{translate('定刻', item).text}} | {{translate('変更', item).text}} | {{translate('空港', item).text}} | {{translate('航空会社', item)[0]['便名'].text}} | {{translate('ターミナル', item).text}} | |||
{{child['便名'].text}} |
{{translate('運航状況', item).text}} | |||||
{{translate('定刻', item).text}} {{translate('変更', item).text}} |
{{translate('空港', item).text}} | ||||
{{translate('ターミナル', item).text}} | |||||
ゲート | Gate | 게이트 | 登机口 | 登機門 | {{translate('ゲート', item).text}}{{translate('ゲート', item).text}}{{translate('ゲート', item).text}} |
{{translate('運航状況', item).text}} | |||||
{{translate('定刻', item).text}} {{translate('変更', item).text}} |
{{translate('空港', item).text}} | ||||
{{translate('ターミナル', item).text}} | |||||
出口 | Gate | 출구 | 出口 | 出口 |
No flights matched your conditions. Please change the search conditions.
지정 조건에 해당하는 항공편이 없습니다. 조건을 바꾸어 검색해보세요.
The flight number inputted is also be found in the international flights information. Confirm the international flights
입력 한 항공편 번호는 국제 항공편 정보에서도 확인할 수 있습니다.국제선 항공편 확인

- Flight information will be provided by each individual airline. For detailed information, please contact each respective airline.
- There are times when accurate/up-to-date information cannot be displayed due to schedule changes caused by weather conditions or mechanical malfunction.
- Clicking the search button will display the search result.
- Please either reload the search results or run the search again to see the newest search information. Search results are not updated automatically.
- Depending on the search content, a portion of the results may reflect flight information from the day prior or the day after. Please be careful.